quinta-feira, 24 de setembro de 2015

My car

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This is my car, my main partner of most of the adventures I  had in classic car rallies, track days, road trips and everyday daily driving from time to time.

It's an 1969 Alfa GT Junior. It's not original, I've found it back in 2004 in a shed in a sorry state with a broken engine and minus a lot of parts. I've replaced the engine and gave it a coat of paint and got it back on the road.

Since then we've gone together to lots of places and made a lots of miles. In between lot's of repairs have been made and new parts have been fitted.

It's getting better every mile it gathers!

First Post

Welcome to my blog.

My name is João and I'm a Portuguese guy working in Norway.
I've been a car addict for almost 20 years now, gathered some cars and developed a passion for the stories and adventures of people around the motor car from all ages.

We all live our lives the best we can and experience it as it present us with challenges and adventures.

This blog is about my life adventures with my cars. Hope you enjoy!
